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Positive Pay Files

Record Sequence/Counter Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 208

Posts: 208
Tom - PrintBoss has a variable called PosPayLineCount, found on page 218 of the PrintBoss manual. This counter will increment with each line of the file. Add this counter as the first entry in the Header, Details, and Footer tabs of the Positive Pay file.
In order to pad the counter to a specific number of characters, enclose the {PosPayLineCount} in a Pad function. The Pad function is on page 84 of the PrintBoss Manual and includes examples.
This feature was added in PrintBoss version 5.71.3, so it is available in your current version.
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Posts: 7

Posts: 7
In the Header Record I need to have a Record Sequence/Counter of 1 “000000001”. That’s straight enough for me and I can hard code this.
In the Detail Record, each payment record needs to have Record Sequence/Counter incremented by 1 from the Header record. So that first payment record would be “000000002” next 3 and so on.

And in the Trailer Record I need to have the Record Sequence/Counter that will be one greater than the last detail record.
So that each line on my Positive Pay upload file should have unique sequence number.

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