Posts: 765

Posts: 765
At this point, it might be most beneficial to call in for Technical Support or send us a copy of your PrintBoss form and the textcapt.hst file so we can look at your work. The textcapt.hst file is created with each print batch -- so you need to make sure it corresponds with the right batch. Easy to do by looking at the date and time for file creation.
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Posts: 765

Posts: 765
Yes, verify that each page has an assignment for DocNo and that Pre-Process assignments is turn on from the Special Controls tab of the form Editor.
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Posts: 13

Posts: 13
Hi Nancy,
I am still having the same result using the modified logic.
It was mentioned that the DocNo needs to be captured. I send a PB#INFO trigger line on the first page of each document which contains the DocNo. Is this sufficient or do I need to specifically assign a DocNo for each page of a multi-paged document? When viewing the list of documents in the work file, the DocNo is indeed assigned correctly to each page in the document, so it looks correct to me.
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Posts: 765

Posts: 765
Steven, I believe you need to reverse the logic of your command. Placing a ! in front of the = reverses the logic. In the following example the print job is forced when the document number does NOT equal the Previous document number, thereby completing the first job (even or odd page) and then forcing the second job with a new document number.

#[Copy,0][!=e, ÷{DocNo}÷, ÷{Prev.DocNo}÷]ForceWinPrintJob
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Posts: 13

Posts: 13
After more than two years, the project we're revisiting the issue that prompted me to start this thread about duplexing.
First, I'll give an update. I tried the suggestion of disabling the "Enable printing on back of page" for the form file being used. I then added the #[=e, {DocNo}, {Next.DocNo}]ForceWinPrintJob line to the beginning of the Runtime Objects tab as was suggested. I was successful in getting the print job to duplex. The problem is that if a document (i.e. document 1) has an un-even number of pages, document 2 will begin printing on the back of the last page of document 1. I can solve this by inserting a blank page between documents that get sent to PrintBoss via the PrintBoss 50 driver, however I would prefer that this be handled by PrintBoss's printing process. Is this not what the condition is for that gets evaluated before calling ForceWinPrintJob above?

Any advice on this is appreciated.

Thanks Again
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Posts: 765

Posts: 765
Steven, the ENABLE PRINTING ON BACK OF PAGE option in PrintBoss is designed to print text on the Page Back Objects tab of the PrintBoss form. It is not designed to automatically print the second page on the back side of a piece of paper. When the option is activated an additional tab called Page Back Objects will appear in the form editor. Commands entered on this tab will appear on the reverse side of the form.

It is often used when expanitory information that does not vary is always added to a form. A duplex printer is required to use this option and the duplexer option on the printer must be activated. If this feature is activated while using a printer that does not have an activated duplexer, the back page will print as a separate page.

The command #ForceWinPrintJob, when used with the condition noted in Paula's previous post, will in effect collate your documents for duplex printing. The print job coming from PrintBoss will duplex by the document number (ie the variable {DocNo}).
edited by Nancy on 5/4/2011
<em>edited by Nancy on 5/4/2011</em>
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Posts: 13

Posts: 13
Hi Paula,

Thanks for the reply. This solution however doesn't seem to accomplish what I am trying to do. What I'd like is for each even page to be placed on the back side of the document, so that when I view the document under "Open Document Work Files", I can click the "Back" button and view the contents of the second page. I'm not concerned with printing to a physical printer just yet, as I'd like to first get this step working properly. As mentioned, there was no special configuration needed when we were using the "Text File Capture Spec". The form file would place items on the back side of the page as needed. I would like to accomplish the same thing with the PrintBoss 50 print device. If I send a print job that is 3 pages, for example, with the PB#INFO tag just on the first page, I'd like only two PrintBoss documents (under Document Work Files) to be created. I'd like the contents of the second page placed on the "Back" portion of the first document and the contents of the third page to be on the front portion of the second document. Currently when printing multiple pages to the PrintBoss 50 device it treats each page of the print job as a brand new document and is not utilizing the Back portion of the document, despite having the "Enable Printing on Back of page (Requires Duplexing Printer)" option checked on the "Special Controls" tab of the form file.

As far as printing to physical printers, the duplexing works just fine with our current settings. That is, however, using the text file capture spec to bring data into PrintBoss.

I hope this better explains the issue I am having. If you need any clarification please let me know.

Thank you
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Posts: 208

Posts: 208
Steven, first I apologize for the delayed response. Our Forum was unavailable for a few days.

Duplexing in PrintBoss should work with the following command added to the top of the RunTime Objects section:

#[=e, {DocNo}, {Next.DocNo}]ForceWinPrintJob

{DocNo} must be assigned. On the Special Controls tab of the form the 'Pre-process Assignments' must be selected. Lastly, the printers duplexing option must be specifically selected. I had to specifically select the “Print on both sides” option of the printer from the Setup/Properties windows.

The Form File Command #ForceWinPrintJob can be useful in other siturations as well. This command forces the Windows print job to end and a new print job to start with a specified page. Typically, a condition is placed on this command. Otherwise, a new print job would be forced with every single page. Another use for this command is to start a new Print Job with each new invoice number so all the pages of the same invoice number can be stapled by an advanced printer that supports stapling by print jobs. For example:

#[Copy,0][!=e, ÷{DocNo}÷, ÷{Prev.DocNo}÷]ForceWinPrintJob

There is additional information in our PrintBoss Manual at:

And please call for Technical Support if you have addtional quesitons.
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Posts: 13

Posts: 13

When printing from our HAS to the PrintBoss 50 print device and there are enough line items in the voucher area to wrap to multiple pages, how can I get the form file to place every "even" page number on the "back" section of the page? Currently the second page is treated as a brand new document rather than being placed on the backside of the page. It seems to do this properly when fed data from a text file capture spec, but not when printing from the HAS. Any help is greatly appreciated.

edited by steven on 4/18/2011
<em>edited by steven on 4/18/2011</em>
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