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Posts: 208

Posts: 208
The problem you describe below is specific to the physical printer. The print job may be too large for the printer to process efficiently. There are a few of solutions to consider:

1. Increase the memory of the physical printer. Memory will allow the printer to process more information faster.
2. Decrease the resolution of graphics included on the PrintBoss Form. Graphics increase the size of the file and by extension the size of the print job. Graphics set to print at 600 dpi can often be set to 300 dpi and still print clearly. Double click a graphic from the Form View in PrintBoss to change the Print Resolution.
3. Break up the print job sent from PrintBoss so the printer is processing fewer pagers at a time. The Internal tab of the Configuration Dialog under the PrintBoss Options menu provides options to limit and delay the number of pages included in a print job for low volume printers. The specific settings that can be used to limit and delay print jobs include:
a. Windows Print Job Limit (enter number of pages)
b. Delay Between Print Jobs (enter number of seconds)
c. Print Jobs till Prompt to continue – This requires a manual prompt and should only be used when the user is close to the printer to determine when the printer is ready for the next portion of the job.

It is also helpful to check the speed of the printer as well. Printers are rated to print ‘x’ number of pages per minute. It is possible the selected printer does not have the capacity for the print jobs it is receiving.
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email submissions
Posts: 173

email submissions
Posts: 173
One of my clients is having a similar issue with printing cheques from Adagio. To break down the problem;

Print to Preview is instantaneous
Print to PB is instantaneous
Print to the print from PB is instantaneous
However when left to work the user experience 30 to 60 minute delays from the time they print the cheque in Adagio to the time they finally come out of the printer. The print jobs can be found in the print queue for the physical printer.

This post doesn’t indicate what the problem/solution was. Do you know and/or do you have any suggestions? Looking at the manual pages indicated I don’t really see what setting might be the cause.
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Posts: 765

Posts: 765
Before we can determine what to do, we should determine where the slowness is happening. You will need to break the process down and observe what happens at each step.

First set the PrintBoss form to 'Batch' print mode. You do this by changing the Print Time on the Multi-Parts & Printers tab in the Form Editor.
Next print your A/R .rpt to PREVIEW in Accpac. Note the amount of time it takes to build the report.
Now, from Preview, print the report to the PrintBoss Printer. Note the amount of time it takes to send the report to PrintBoss.
From the PrintBoss Workfile, print the batch to the printer and note the amount of time it take to print the report.

If you determine that the slow down is between PrintBoss and the printer (the last step in the process) then there are several settings on the PrintBoss/Options/ Configuration/ Internal tab which may help in regulating the flow of data to your printer. Please see the PrintBoss Manual pages 19 and 20 for information on these settings. The PrintBoss User Manual can be found on our webpage under the Training tab.
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Posts: 1

Posts: 1
We have been experience very slow printing while sending Accpac A/R and O/E Invoices to our printer - just wondering if this is a printboss issue and what we can try to improve the speed.
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