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Display Company Name in Email Body

Robert White
How can I assign a variable in PrintBoss for the Company Name from AccPac? I have been able to output the Customer Number using the DocRecip variable, but I can't figure out how to output the company name in the email body.
For example, I would like to start the email with 'Dear XYZ Company', but right now I can only get it to say 'Dear XYZ01', which is the customer number.
Display Company Name in Email Body

Robert White
I'm sorry, I am very new at this product and I don't understand exactly how to 'capture' the value from the text. is this done in PrintBoss itself or is this assigned in the Crystal Report somewhere? I reviewed the link that you provided in the previous posting, but I just don't completely understand where to put the variables or how to capture the values? In that document it says that you need to have a statement such as #[C,2]ProcessPage «[Assigned, 'EmailTo']», but I don't see where I need to reference this.

Also, I see in Crystal Reports there are formula variables for PrintBoss(ie: PrintBossAmnt, PrintBossDocNo, PrintBossForm,etc.). Are these predefined variables or can i create variables of my own to reference in PrintBoss(ie: PrintBossCompanyName, PrintBossContactName, PritnBossCompType,etc.). If so, how do I reference these so that they could show up on my forms?

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