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Turn off Duplexing

I have reviewed other posts but nothing seems to address this. I have two clients with PB and both exhibit this issue. When we first installed, configured and tested, the checks were printing in duplex mode even though nothing we could see asked for this to happen. Both printers have a duplexer and it is activated on the printer but we cold not see anything that we felt would make the form print that way.

After a while we decided to turn ON the Enable Back Page Printing. This seemed contrary to what we wanted but is had a somewhat positive impact. The checks no longer printed in duplex but the printer still fed the paper through twice which is a tremendous waste of time when doing a large check run.

We have tried changing the print setup to point to a printer without a duplex saving it and then switching it back - no luck

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to fix this? I dont believe it is related to the printers, they are two different manufacturers.



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