HomeTechnical Support » Positive Pay Files

Positive Pay Files

Positive Pay script for multiple forms Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 208

Posts: 208
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 9:34 AM
Even though the file may be currently embedded, it might be in the drop down list on the 'Multi-parts & Printers' tab of the form Editor, or it can be exported.

If Wellspring created the Positive Pay file, there would be a copy in the drop list in the Source Tray column.

If someone else created the Positive Pay file, you may need to Export the file from the Embedded copy so it can be used in another Form. The following are instructions to Export the Positive Pay file.
1. Let's start on the Multi-Parts and Printers tab of the current Form where the file is embedded.
2. Click on the page symbol to the left of the Source Tray to open the Positive Pay / ACH Editor.
3. Click on the Export button at the bottom left of the Master tab. The browser will open on the PrntBoss\PosPay folder.
4. Enter a name for the file and use the extension currently displayed.
5. Click Save.
6. Close the Positive Pay / ACH Editor.
The File will not display in the list of the current Form until the Form is closed and reopened. All other PrintBoss Forms will now have access to this file.
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email submissions
Posts: 173

email submissions
Posts: 173
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 3:46 PM
Hello Paula: I need to know how to copy positive pay information from one Printboss form to another. I have opened both forms, but I can't figure out how to do it or even find the Positive Pay definition info. It says that it's embedded. Any help would be great - thanks.
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