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Proper Syntax #if #else Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 10

Posts: 10
What is the proper syntax for using the #if and #else statements. I am trying to suppress empty address lines and checking if address line 2 is empty, but getting syntax errors. Documentation is vague. I've tried several different ways, but this is what the latest looks like

#If[!Empty, ÷{Vendoraddress2}÷]Text 0.69 9, 9.89, "Courier New/10",÷ {Vendoraddress2}÷
#Else Text 0.69, 9.89, "Courier New/10", ÷{VendorCity}÷
#Text 1.994, 9.89, "Courier New/10", ÷{VendorState}÷
#Text 2.337, 9.89.164, "Courier New/10", ÷{VendorZip}÷
#Text 0.69, 10, "Courier New/10", ÷{VendorCity}÷
#Text 1.994, 10, "Courier New/10", ÷{VendorState}÷
#Text 2.337, 10.164, "Courier New/10", ÷{VendorZip}÷

Or, if you have a better way of suppressing an address line. I cannot use the #Assign LastLine because this is from a text file import using the PB#Assign with each assignment on a different line. Not our normal way of capturing the data, but this is coming from an source outside of our financial system.
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