For PrintBoss customers who print
large quantities of checks and/or
invoices pressure seal forms may be
the right choice. A 'print-to-mail'
solution can reduce processing by
90%. A PrintBoss form is designed to
specifically print onto the
pressure-seal stock. This means that
the standard process of printing,
folding, stuffing and sealing forms
to send them out is reduced to
simply printing and then running the
forms through a folding machine,
even if automated signatures are
being used.
This solution requires the purchase
of a folding machine that will
accommodate the quantity of forms
you need to print.
Feature Availability:
PrintBoss Standard - YES
PrintBoss Enterprise - YES
Cost: $205.00 for custom PrintBoss
form file; includes 1,000 pressure
seal checks
Pressure Seal Checks range from $0.13 to $0.067 per page depending on the quantities ordered
Pressure Seal Invoice paper
ranges from $0.115 to $0.065
depending on the quantities ordered
Print-to-Mail equipment for use with
PrintBoss call for quote.